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What is Craniosacral Therapy?


It is a form of bodywork that uses gentle touch to manipulate the tissues, bones, joints to bring balance throughout your body.  In the 1930's William Sutherland D.O. (1873-1954) followed by Andrew Still MD, D.O. (1828-1917) found direct access and could palpate fluid tides produced by cerebrospinal fluid supporting the central nervous system (from your head to low back). In a treatment area (specific or whole-body) potency builds in the fluid tides, and tissues can move more freely. Patterns of unresolved trauma throughout the body can be resolved through the touch of a trained practitioner's hands knowledgeable in anatomy and physiology of all body systems.


What to expect during and after a session?


Upon arrival you will be asked about your symptoms and pre-existing conditions. A typical session lasts about an hour. You will lay fully clothed on a massage table. A practitioner will gently press on your feet or head to listen to your fluid tides and restrictions. The tissue-release methods, used during the session, will assist in improving the quality of your life, renewing health, balancing your body, and resolving trauma.

After your session and over the next few days you may experience a reduction in pain, increased function, overall relaxation during which time your body is re-establishing its natural healing process. Sometimes follow up sessions are desired for maintenance or continued treatment of a particular condition.

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"The arterial stream is supreme, but the cerebrospinal fluid is in command."

~William Sutherland

Craniosacral benefits:


A gentle hands-on approach for all ages, that releases tensions throughout your body, to relieve both physical and emotional pain.


The following conditions can benefit from CST:


  • Stress and anxiety

  • Sport injuries

  • Car injuries

  • Trauma recovery

  • Neck pain

  • Back pain

  • IBS/constipation

  • Fibromyalgia

  • TMJ 

  • Autism

  • TBI

  • PTSD

  • Central nervous system disorder

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Dementia

  • Immune disorder

  • Learning disabilities

  • Scoliosis

  • Spinal cord injuries

  • Migraines

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"Health is never lost, it centers our experience."

~Franklyn Sill

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